Preschool Should Be Mandatory

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Should Preschool be Mandatory?

“Should I send my child to Preschool?” That seems to be the question going through every new parents mind. And while yes, it can get expensive, preschool has many benefits for children. Preschool promotes social development, it teaches children during their favorite time, play time, and it gets children ready for school.

Firstly preschool promotes social development. “Across hundreds of studies of immediate and short-term outcomes, impacts of early education on factors such as self-esteem, motivation, and social behavior are positive, and range from about .25 to .40 of a standard deviation—a meaningful impact” (Barnett, 2002). Preschool gives children an opportunity to socialize with other children, which they may not get growing up at home. When I was younger there were no other children in my …show more content…

Early childhood educators are trained professionals who have went to school specifically to teach children. Unlike relatives who may have gone to school to be a chef or baker, ECE’s spent at least two years going to school to learn about children and their needs. This is not to say that family members cannot teach your children, however, that ECE’s would have a better grasp on what the child needs to work on. According to the Urban Child Institute studies, “36% of people that attend preschool attend a four-year college, and only 13% that didn’t attend preschool attend a four-year college.” Mind you, this is for the U.S, however I believe it would be about the same statistics worldwide. Another way preschool can prepare children for school is through the friendships they can make. Children who make friends in preschool will probably transition into kindergarten together, and if children have friends already in this new setting, it will make everything a little bit easier so your child can focus on other things then whether or not they will fit

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