Power In Fahrenheit 451

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There are many people that go overboard with power. Once they get their hands on just a little bit, they start to want more and more. They downgrade others to make them feel unimportant. The firefighters in the story of Fahrenheit 451, went mad with power; the firefighters in the story resemble some people in our day of age. The story Fahrenheit 451, depicted power v. weakness, hypocrisy, and self growth.

In particular, I learned about power v. weakness. The powerful make the weak feel vulnerable; therefore, the weak feel the need to follow the powerful. Power is not always good because it can make a person lose self-control. A line from the story reads, "Montag's hand closed like a mouth, crushed the book with devotion, …show more content…

Montag forced people to stop reading, but he was a reader himself. Some people do not want others to better themselves and get further in life, so they try to bring others down to a weak point. When people take others down to a weak point, they can control them. Stopping people from reading, is a way to make them ignorant. Ignorant people do not know their left from their right, so it would be easy to manipulate them. Evidently, Montag knew that. Education is a blessing that should be cherished.

Furthermore, the story teaches readers to be knowledgeable. The story shows what a world without knowledge looks like and it is terrible. People should not deter from learning unless they want to become someone else's puppet. Students, in school, should absorb all the information their teachers give them. The world is a very cold, cruel place and if a person is not educated he/she will nor make it in life. The world will chew him/her up, and spit him/her out.

The story Fahrenheit 451, talked about strength v. frailty, dishonesty, and self improvement. Having strength is not always good, and being weak will not last forever. Everything is not always as it seems. An education can give someone a higher curve above others. Ignorance is bliss, but intelligence is a

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