Popular Mechanics Raymond Carver Summary

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Arguments occur throughout life, in some cases, they are agreed upon, in others, they may lead to tragedy. In Raymond's Carver story “Popular Mechanics”, a child dies because of the parent’s anger toward one another. The parents showed tremendous selfishness and had no respect toward one another's thoughts. They decide that physical harm would solve the problem, but it had just made the situation worse. This left the child to struggle in attempt to survive from the abuse of his parents. Although readers may believe the baby survived because his parents had showed signs of trying to protect him, their temper and actions never ended, which is evidence of abuse, and eventually leads to the child's death. Since the parents each physically pull on the child, the baby dies because their lack of restraint. Throughout the story, the parents showed their lack of restraint by putting their child in danger. They both had cared more about being victors of the fight than the safety of their child. The mother displays her selfishness by the thought, “she would have it, this baby”(Carver 2). This tells readers that she was going to win, and she was not backing down from the father’s force. The father showed his selfishness by backing her into a corner and “working on her fisted …show more content…

In Raymond's Carver story “Popular Mechanics”, a child dies because of the parent’s anger toward one another. The parents showed tremendous selfishness and had no respect toward one another's thoughts. They decide that physical harm would solve the problem, but it had just made the situation worse. This left the child to struggle in attempt to survive from the abuse of his parents. Although readers may believe the baby survived because his parents had showed signs of trying to protect him, their temper and actions never ended, which is evidence of abuse, and eventually leads to the child's

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