Police Cite Definition

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This chapter forms a general introduction to the study. The first two sections of the chapter give the background to the study and the problem statement. The other sections of the chapter outline research objectives, research questions, research assumptions, significance of the study as well as the scope and limitations of the study.
Police conduct has, for an exceedingly long time, been an issue in Africa and other parts of the world, be it corruption, sexual harassment, drug abuse, money laundering or brutality cite. A large portion of the world does not trust its police force cite and for this reason, there have been a lot of restructuring of the police force throughout the years in an effort to control police misconduct cite. Although we have seen some reformation on the police force, a lot of them still continue to blatantly carry themselves in a less than dignified manner cite. We see them use excessive force, take bribes, extort citizens, sexually harass them, all in the name of upholding the law and maintaining order cite.
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Because they are allowed to use force when necessary it is difficult to prove that brutality has indeed occurred. However, with the invention of smart phones and social media, civilians take videos of what they consider unfair treatment and send it to the necessary authorities for further investigations. The videos, often times, make their way to social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter and almost always the videos go viral. Everybody watches and follow the proceedings of the case very keenly. Most of the times police brutality occurs are due to racial profiling that has seen even the president of the United States address the

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