Police Brutality Issue

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This article will be discussing the issue of Racist Police brutality. Police brutality is the use of excessive or unnecessary force by police when dealing with citizens . Police brutality has been around since the police forces were formed.
Police abuse remains one of the most serious and current human rights violations in the United States. The excessive use of force by police officers, including unjustified shooting, severe beatings, and rough behaviour towards civilians are all taken accounted for as Police brutality . Over the past decade, many police have acted out ways that have made society question “Are our officers of the law really doing their job?” Allegations of the use of excessive force by U.S police departments continue to …show more content…

“Police in general, and white cops in particular, have a pattern of disproportionately directing force against black people”. Many cases of abuse and excessive force made by officers of the law are simply gone unknown or unjustified . 98.9% of excessive force allegations are ultimately ruled as unjustified in court. The statistic on white cop on black suspect shootings is a heavily alarming issue . Nevertheless while race plays a big role the number of white cops shooting black people is just part of the larger problem. Black people in the United States tend to be more likely to endure discrimination and be arrested, shot, or even harassed by a police officer as a pose to White people . Sadly even the most extreme cases of police brutality are often concluded with little …show more content…

According to authorities in Waller County, it is highly likely that Sandra Bland committed suicide. Waller County police department recorded that; “there was no evidence of struggle”. Various accusations on the death of Sandra Bland have throughout the investigation come to surface . The death of Sandra Bland ties us back to the #BlackLivesMatter Movement and other racism issues occurring.

The protests against the grand jury decisions in the killing of Sandra Bland may have trigged the much needed debate beyond the use of excessive police force, about racism and inequality nationwide.

Many say it’s easy to assume racism when watching the footage of Sandra Bland’s arrest many racism advocates like Tom Mullen stated; “the first question that entered my mind when watching the video footage was, would a white woman have been treated this was during a routine traffic stop?”.

The Conspiracy Theory:
“Mugshot looks fake”
After Sandra Bland’s mug shot went public, many observers noticed that the colour of the background of Bland’s photo matched the jail’s floor. Conspiracy theories that have come to surface, include speculated theories that Sandra Bland was already dead and her body was placed on the jailhouse floor, whilst police officers taken her shot from above

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