Polarized Gender Stereotypes

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Molnar describes, “If advertising is, as I believe, the twenty-four hour a day, seven day a week, three hundred and sixty-five day a year curriculum of our culture, then Americans young and old are being relentlessly miseducated and, as a consequence, our society is correspondingly less democratic.” With the advertisements invading into the education systems everyone is being affected especially the student body. Advertisements campaigning to students is a real problem because it imprints on their impressionable minds causing closemindnesses. Even though many advertisements promote great things, advertisements placed in schools, cause damaging effects on students due to a hard school life. Advertisements create a negative effect on the students’ …show more content…

Most teenagers today are already insecure with themselves, so they do not need the added stress from advertisements in schools. Smith explains, “Polarized gender stereotype and materialized perspectives that may come with exposure to advertisements had been shown to harm students’ self-esteem.” Advertisements in the schools conform teenagers’ thoughts and ideas on how they look and act, and causes bullying to increase within the schools. The negativity within advertisements influence the developing minds of students and causes uncertainty about where they fit in and the students’ identity. Advertisements are not only conforming teenagers’ perspectives on themselves. Teenagers values are changing due to advertisements’ negative impact on their lives. Educators ignore the major role advertisements have on students “social values” and advertisements teach students to be “wanting consumers” (Lickteig). Students value advertisements and products more than important values. Society cannot improve or create diversity with students exposed to the same compromising values from advertisements since no one takes action against corporate greed toward school children. Students’ uniqueness in their identity, personality and self-esteem would increase if advertisements in schools would not subject …show more content…

Advertisements cause students to not showcase their uniqueness when the students’ environment is compromised by the values advertisements press on the students. The increase of advertisements in schools causes critical information to increase within learning environments, and students are suffering.Wrecked lives of school children occur in schools due to captive audiences made up of students. Advertisements are being forced upon the students constantly, everywhere they turn students see impressioning images of product, and the students’ learning and uniqueness are on the line because of the unchallenged corporations in the

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