Pledge Of Allegiance Pros And Cons

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The USSR was considered to be the evil, atheistic, and horrible villain of the 20th century. It would make sense for us, as Americans, to want to distance ourselves from them as much as possible. This includes defying them by adding the famous words “Under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance . Our 1st amendment rights were being violated and continue to be violated because of a rivalry between countries that started over 70 years ago. The Pledge of Allegiance violates our rights and defies the principles of our country. Francis Bellamy was one of the most renowned socialists of the late 1800s. He is also the writer of the original Pledge used in schools. Bellamy believed that having children begin saying a pledge to their country in schools planted a sense of undying loyalty to the government. He also believed that this would pave the way to a socialist utopia in the United States. The pledge was used to try to deny the early stages of free thinking in youth in favor of unquestioning …show more content…

The phrase directly violates the 1st amendment and should be deemed unconstitutional by lawmakers. The term is also an offensive statement for citizens involved in groups who do not necessarily believe in a singular god or god at all; like Buddhism, Hinduism, and atheism. The great country of the United States of America is founded upon the basis that anyone, no matter their religion, race, background, or financial situation have the right to decide their own values or morals. Americans are also supposed to be able to freely express them without any form of government prohibiting them. If this is the case why does the future of the most powerful nation in the world have to give their undying loyalty to a country no matter the direction it heads

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