Piaget's Four Stages Of Reasoning Skills

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Piaget’s four stages of reasoning skills are the sensorimotor stage, the preoperational stage, the concrete operational stage and the formal operational stage. During the sensorimotor stage we are limited to what is called direct contact. This is sucking, touching, listening, looking ect. We have not even noticed that we have toes. The preoperational stage we are able to begin using symbols. During this stage we still do not know the meaning of size, speed or actions. We are beginning to learn how to count and say our ABC’s, but do not know the meaning behind them. Next is the concrete operational stage. At this time we are now learning what size, actions, speed, numbers and words mean. Last, but not least we have the formal operational stage. …show more content…

I feel that the children of working-class men and women tend to have better manners and do not get into trouble as much as middle-class children. One reason behind this is the punishment style that many working-class parent utilized. I can say growing up I would get my butt spanked, get grounded for days and even weeks or have to stand in a corner because I would not stop aggravating my brother and sister. I believe that if corporal punishment was used more in today’s time kids would not get into near as much trouble as they do. Middle-class parents tend to let their kids get away with a little more than what a working-class parent would do. I am not saying that these parents let their children get away with murder, but they tend to overlook something that the working-class would not. Their punishment style may not be at the level that the working-class parents are. An example that I can use for this is that of my niece. My sister never made my niece learn what it meant to earn a dollar or what it meant to not get what she wanted all the time. Well because of this my niece began getting into a lot of trouble when she got into high school and even after graduating. She can’t hold a job because she does not know what it is like to have to work. She talks back to my sister because my sister never punished her that much and when she did she would later feel bad and then unpunished her, this may have been at the most 2 to 3 days. After removing the punishment my sister would take my niece shopping and buy her whatever she wanted in a way of saying I am sorry for getting onto you. This has now lead to a problem because my niece still believes that she should get anything and everything she wants no matter the cost. I guess what I am really trying to say it does not matter how you are brought up because your ways of raising your children may change and be totally different from those that you grew up

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