Philosophy Of Mental Illness

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INTRODUCTION There is a common belief that surrounds the church today that mental illness is not an illness that can be fixed or even needs treatment. Instead of an illness it is often seen as sin in the person, an attitude problem, or a curse from God Himself. However if this same person has a broken limb, is injured, diseased, or has cancer somewhere in their body, they can go to the doctor, people have compassion and pray for them, and they can typically get fixed without judgment. The Philosophy of Mental Illness is an interdisciplinary area of study concerning the philosophy of mind and psychology in order to analyze the nature of mental illness. Philosophers of mental illness are apprehensive with examining the ontological, epistemological, and normative productions arising from varying conceptions of mental illness that may be tied into the Church. …show more content…

These persons maybe believe completely by an entirety that is made new the moment a person accepts their Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ (which is true for the a person’s spirit), but they obviously and logically accept the fact that a person can be born again yet they can still be in a servitudes and held within the grasps of bondage and changed to sin and the enemy (especially within one’s own darkness or

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