Phase 11 Communication Skills

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First there was nothing, then there was something. The transparent being woke up to a bed of stone. Slowly it rose until it saw a bright shining light and a semi-transparent blue box with some squiggly lines. After looking hard at the box, and trying very hard to not look at the bright ball behind the box, like a lens coming into focus, it all suddenly made complete sense. Name: Dale Species: Incorporeal Specter Level: 1 (0.00% to Lvl 2) Health: 110 Stamina: 8 Mana: 40 Skills Transparency Lvl 1- You pass through some objects. Objects determined by Phase level. Be warned! The more you level this skill the lower your strength gets! Spookyness Lvl 1- Small weak willed animals are afraid of you. Level up this skill by scaring other beings! Weak Possession Lvl 1- You may possess small inanimate objects. You can level this up by possessing other things! Langauge- Basic knowledge of SpecterSpeak and English. Able to read basic words in given langauge. Stats- Intelligence: 2 Corporeality: 10 Phase-10 Strength: -10 Agility: 10 Wisdom: 12 Fortitude: 5 …show more content…

Dale thought, quickly trying again to get more numbers. It took a bit longer but he finally got more numbers Phase + 1 He decided not to do it more because it was getting boring quickly and he didn’t want to be here all day. Wisdom + 1 Now he was really confused, It was different letters again but he wasn’t sure why he got them. After awhile of thinking he finally got up and tried to walk towards the fence. But when he tried he just walked in place. He wondered how he could move until he remembered how he had gone up and down earlier. He tried to shift himself forward and found that it was much easier than trying to move with his legs, even if it made him look a bit silly. After getting the hang of phasing, he noticed the sun was gone and now there was a silvery white ball in the sky, the moon. He looked aroud and saw it was darker and he couldn’t see past the

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