Persuasive Essay Zoos

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The state of mind in which zoo animals are in, is an unhealthy one. Zoos are meant to keep animals in captivity to put on a show for humans. This is not a humane thing to do, and zoos should be banned all around the world. “Between 3,000 and 5,000 healthy ‘surplus’ animals are ‘culled’ (i.e., killed) by European zoos each year (PETA UK), this is not just happening in the United States. There have been multiple cases in which animals have been killed in zoos, put to sleep (killed on purpose) because of “incidents” that wasn’t the animals fault, and many more things that just are not right. People must remember what happened to Harambe the gorilla, who was put down in 2016. He was put to sleep after a child was not being supervised and fell …show more content…

Ever wonder why the lions at a zoo do not move very much? This is because they are depressed, and there are studies to prove it. “Many animals held in captivity begin to form abnormal symptoms referred to as ‘zoochosis.’ These neurotic and atypical behaviors occur as a result of boredom, depression, frustration, a lack of mental and physical enrichment, and removal from their natural habitat and social structures” (Last Chance for Animals). Zoos are just outright cruel. How would a human being liked to be kept captive in a small area for the rest of their life? That is right, they wouldn’t. If people actually thought about it, this is kidnapping or “animal-napping.” Kidnapping is illegal for humans to do, so why is it okay that humans do this to animals? Well, it’s not. A lot of the human population has at least one child. Now, how would they like if their child got taken away from them, and they could never see them again. This is how animals feel too. Animals, believe it or not have feelings too. They care, just like humans. They cry, just like humans. They love, just like humans. We as the human population, should not deprive animals of loving their offspring while still being able to be with them, and spend their lives as a family. “On average, elephants in zoos live only half as long as wild elephants” (PETA

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