Persuasive Essay Zoos

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Why zoos should not be kept !

“ Some zoo animals have such serious problems that they must regularly be given drugs to keep them calm.” -- Jose Gonzolez.
There is a zoo debate because some people like zoos However some people feel like zoos should not be here because zoos hurt the animals and put them on drugs. Why there is a debate because people feel we need zoos to keep animals from becoming extinct but in zoos they beat the animals. Zoos should not be kept because animals are not taken care of very well, being in captivity ( captivity means held in a small space) , and animals behavior changes.

Animals at the zoo do not get treated very well from the article “ Cons point of view” says that zoos clip ( Wing clipping is the process of trimming a bird's primary wing feathers or remiges so that it is no longer fully flighted.) birds wings. From the article “ Pro or Con” it says that they put them on drugs- (Char Petiniot, in front of the gorilla enclosure at the …show more content…

Being in captivity means that animals do not have the same environment as free animals. Also according to Jane Goodall elephants need more room to roam. In the article ( Pro or Con ) animales stress out when in small places. According to the video, “ Born wild” animals can be kept in a cage without a companion for a

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