Persuasive Essay On Animal Captivity

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Keeping animals locked in cages, bored and cramped up in such a small space is an awful sight to show the children. It creates an image in the little minds of children that animals are to be treated like they don’t matter. They say Zoos are a place where children can learn about the wild, exotic animals, but in reality it doesn't teach them anything only that they are meant to be caged up, which is wrong. Also, it is really painful to see the animals bored and lonely, so why should people keep letting them do this to these beautiful creatures. Animal captivity for entertainment should end to let them go to their rightful home. Animal Captivity is a huge problem in today’s society. The animals shouldn't be caged up, they should be running …show more content…

Ever since, Zoos have become more popular in this modern time-era. As one may have heard the saying, “ Free Tilly”, it actually comes from a petition for saving animals from Seaworld. People are fighting to save these creatures to take them back to where they belong because it is unfair to use them for entertainment. People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has started in 1981 on a case of spring silver monkey of animal experiment since then it has expanded to help animals being captured from their natural …show more content…

For instance, watching animals suffer because of not being in their natural habitat is inhumane. They don't just take care and save animals for nothing, they do it for their own satisfaction. Unlike the people who believe animals are just creatures, people who care about these animals are hurting right now because they see others not caring and not helping the animals that contribute this environment of beauty.
People are the only power that will help these beautiful creatures on setting them free. If people cared as much as those who care about animals they can help by signing petitions, and getting more people to listen to them.
Overall, animal captivity has not been solved yet because of people wanting to keep and observe animals to “learn” about them. Also, because people don't realize how places like zoos and SeaWorld are cruel and not actually seeing that the animals captured are not happy where they are placed. However, it is a problem that needs to be solved right away for the benefit of the

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