Persuasive Essay: Why Be Clutter-Free?

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Why Be Clutter-Free? As you’ll learn in the following chapter, getting your life to a clutter-free state will provide an abundance of benefits. You will save yourself time and money, help local charities, and make the world a more sustainable place. Won’t you sleep better at night when you check those accomplishments off your to-do list? What is Clutter? According to, clutter can be either a verb or a noun, and each form can have several meanings. None of them are good. You aren’t going to look at any of the “clutter” definitions on that site and say, “Boy, howdy, I could use more of that in my life!” For our purposes, we’ll stick with a couple of the basic definitions: •adisorderlyheaporassemblage;litter: •a …show more content…

Even if it isn’t an ornate silver tea set that requires careful polishing, it probably needs to be cleaned from time to time, maintained, or (at the very least) stored. So, the more things you own, the more mental and physical energy gets sapped by them. That’s why it’s important to take time to consider what you own and in what form you want to own it. How many times have you lost half (or more) of your Sat- urday “running errands?” Your errands are probably based mostly on what you own. Your precious weekend time gets taken up buying cleaners or organizers for your possessions or bringing more possessions into your home. When you turn that mentality around, you will be rewarded with a great sense of freedom. You will spend far less time taking care of and dusting things that don’t bring you pleasure. Another time-saver is that without the clutter, you are far more likely to find those everyday necessities of life. You know that losing your car keys amongst clutter can easily consume an hour of your valuable time—and always when you can least afford to be late. Clutter leads to lack of organization, which leads to wasted time. It’s stressful,

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