Persuasive Essay On Water Crisis

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“Aquifer depletion is a largely invisible threat, but that does not make it any less real.” The quote from futurist, Lester Brown, predicted our devastating situation that is now affecting billions, which is all but invisible. It is 2075 and the Ollega Aquifer that takes up most of middle America is completely empty up and the Central Valley Aquifer is now at a dismal five percent. The water crisis is affecting our major cities, but there was time where the water crisis was mostly ignored back in 2017. People were concerned about North Korea, gun control, and Hollywood scandals; although these issues were important, they lack in importance to the human necessity of water. They lived off food supplied by farmers who drilled into the ground for water. As we know now, droughts have plagued agricultural areas that supply food to the cities. The farmers had no other option but to keep drilling deeper and deeper for water. By 2017, overpumping in the Central Valley has depleted groundwater reserves by nearly 80 …show more content…

It is evident that the middle class has continuously decreased over the past half century. This means that the rich can afford more luxuries like pools and even simply more food. There are now major protests in Los Angeles and Phoenix for demand of the human right for water. In continuation, the hunger situation has become significantly worse due to the overuse of aquifers. One out of every six children in cities went to bed hungry during the turn of the century, but now it is almost half. Surprisingly, there has been an increase in religious services as droughts become more frequent. This is because of the dire feeling of hopelessness in many of the hungry citizens. Also, farmers that would have had sturdy jobs back in 2017 are now flocking to the cities to find work, which causes huge economic turmoil. Also, it increases the amount of homelessness by thirty

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