Persuasive Essay On Climate Change

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Climate change. The two letter word so feared by scientists, so ignored by the average human being. What is it that makes scientists fear this phrase so much? For the concept of “climate change” has been seen throughout the history of the earths existence. For centuries, our climate has fluctuated through increasing and decreasing amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide and climatic cycles. So what is the big deal? The problem, and the reason why this concept instills fear directly into the core of scientists is the rate at which over the past 1,300 years atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have risen. This unnatural increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, due to the immense amount of anthropogenic burning of oil and coal, affects the transfer 61). Moreover, it can also be seen “as presenting us with the largest collective action problem that humanity has ever faced, one that has both intra- and inter-generational dimensions” (Jamieson pg. 61). Thus, climate change will not only affect us but our children, and their children’s children, for generations to come. So is this it? Have we as humans sold our souls to the climate change devil? Is this something that we will always have to deal with and if so then why should we even bother trying to prevent it? Dale Jamieson philosopher and author of the book, Reason in a Dark Time, argues that we have sold our souls to the climate change devil and will be stuck with this problem for eternity. However, just because we are stuck with climate change, Jamieson argues, we should not give up on trying to slow down its effects. In addition to Jamieson the Federal Republic of Germany also believes that we are stuck with climate change and have developed their own solutions to help mitigate the effects. Throughout this paper I will present a descriptive and normative analysis to help address the environmental justice claims that both entities are making. I will then go on to show the instability of Dale Jamieson’s argument in both his descriptive and normative analysis through the development of my own While Jamieson addresses many reasons why we are stuck with climate change his strongest argument is found in the fact that we as humans are not evolutionarily designed to process issues that occur on such a long time scale. Due to climate changes “gradual and uncertain rather than immediate and obvious” process we as humans cannot understand it (Jamieson, 102). In addition, climate changes effects have no geographical bounds and because very few people pay attention to events that occur beyond national boundaries most people are oblivious to its existence. Jamieson makes the point that climate change must be thought rather than sensed and we as humans are not very good at thinking (Jamieson, 103). On top of that even if we succeed in thinking that something is a threat, we are less reactive than if we sense that it is a threat. Since we cannot even comprehend climate changes presence in our world right now it also makes it extremely difficult for us to comprehend how our anthropogenic actions of today will affect future generations all over the world. Therefore, because climate change does not present itself visually to us, we as humans are not only unable to recognize the problem but would be unable to solve the problem as well. Resulting in the fact that we as humans are stuck with climate

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