Persuasive Essay On The Acai Bowl

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Today, Australian meals are more diverse than ever, inclined by aisles of reasonably low-cost ingredients, a platter of cultures and a menu of resurgent interest in food. Australia's culinary past has instead been dynamic, urban, industrial, science-based and capitalist-driven. Food and eating, besides being a necessity in life, has long been a phenomenon that gathers people together and a significant social event for families and friends. While this sentiment remains today, modern pressures and changes have altered the way we approach eating, as well as the way in which we shop for food. Recent insights into consumer trends confirms that healthy, as well as socially and environmentally responsible, eating trends have been driving Australian …show more content…

"The acai bowl is one step beyond a smoothie," says Eric Helms. A healthful dream of goodness with a stand-out appearance, taste and aroma. Brimming with colourful ingredients, bowls full of deliciously creamy thick smoothie, topped with an assortment of fruits, seeds and nuts have taken breakfast to a whole new level. Social medias such as Pinterest and Instagram are overflowing with inspiration for some out-of-this-world acai bowl ingredients. Get creative with this exciting take on the traditional smoothie, and you'll be sure to delight health food addicts and convert the rest! Vibrant and exciting to look at, the Acai Bowl is the latest health food trend of 2018 that has become a massive Instagram hit - just search for #acaibowl to find a never-ending source of inspiration. Your bowl is your canvas, the more you add, the brighter and more pleasing to the eye it gets, making it even more appealing to …show more content…

The organic food market segment has been expanding rapidly for years and will continue to grow in popularity as consumers across the globe become progressively mindful of pesticides and genetically modified foods. Eating “organic” expresses the evolution of a society willing to eat less, but better and to combine wellness with nutrition. It is said that in just 20 years, the organic food industry has grown from $1 billion per year in sales to $26 billion per year in sales, and social media platforms plays a major part to its growth by communicating nutrition messages to the

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