Chipotle Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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In recent years, it is not even necessary to turn on the news to hear about the bad reputation farming has been getting in recent years. What with the media focusing on things like drugs in animals and Pink Slime, or Lean Finely Textured Beef, it is a wonder that people are eating “non-organic” foods. However, many pro-farming organizations having been trying to fight back against these slanders. Still, the battle is not without heavy competition, and a good portion of it comes from Chipotle, a fast food Mexican restaurant that claims to only use completely organic ingredients in their food. Chipotle is constantly introducing advertisements claiming to have the natural ingredients while slandering the name of farmers everywhere. Perhaps the most well-known is “The Scarecrow,” a three minute ad that features some of the most haunting images Chipotle has ever featured. While “The Scarecrow” uses tear-inducing images and the almost eerie music to entice the audience to the company’s “free-range farming” ideals, it lacks substantial logos yet, it still
Chipotle uses “The Scarecrow” as a way to reach out into the hearts of the young and the old, hoping to ignite a flame of rebellion towards anyone who could possibly treat animals the way it was depicted in the three minute piece, while simultaneously reaching its hand into the wallet to pay for all the healthy Chipotle food a viewer of this add will be surely being buying. This ad proves that one of the best ways to get a person to hand over money to a cause is to make the person feel something. After all, emotion guides most other processes. So what better way to earn money than through a person’s

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