Persuasive Essay On Interview

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I have landed every job I’ve ever done an interview for. Even though I’ve landed great opportunities, I know that this assignment has helped me grow in my own ability to interview and to be interviewed. To demonstrate some of the success and downfalls of our interview I will first, discuss my interviewing of Matthew Nelson. Secondly, I will discuss Matthew interviewing me. Finally, I will conclude with the overall success of the interview and this assignment. The questions are woven throughout my paper. To help reduce confusion for the reader I have inserted footnotes at each question. To begin, I start with a brief outline of the interview overall followed by Matthews’s response to each question.
Interviewers Response Matthew Nelson was one of the most prepared and confident people I have worked with in a class. We entered into our interview with a lot of unanswered questions between us. Even though we had exchanged a few …show more content…

He did not use many hand gestures, but his other nonverbal messages were very powerful. He had great eye contact when speaking. He seemed well grounded and rehearsed in what he was saying. This was a sign of relief, but over skype it at times came across as “well-rehearsed acting”. I could tell at one part in the interview that what he was saying something that he heard from his coach. When I asked him the question, “How do you think your participation in basketball has shaped you for a job?” His answer was, “I am a student-athlete” emphasizing the word student. At the end of interview I informed Matthew that even though I believed the words he said, I could tell they were not his own. Another question I asked Matthew was why he chose to be a business administration major . His answer was honest and authentic when he said that he was unsure why he choose that degree. Though this was off-putting as someone who was interviewing him, I did respect the honesty more than the actual answer

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