Persuasive Essay On Green Washing

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The number one thing you complain about most while watching television is how many commercials come on and interrupt the show you are watching. When a company makes a commercial, their whole objective is to get you to buy their product. There are many different strategies that companies use to get you interested in the product that is in their commercial. One of the main strategies today is called green washing. Green washing is when a company puts nature in to their commercial to make it seems environmentally friendly. Green washing is a way companies try to make you think that their product is good or safe for the environment, when in all reality it is not. In the commercial “Who’s She”, produced by Real California Milk Company (RCMC), they use a beautiful hill side, more than likely in California, as their back drop for the commercial. The commercial portrays a stunning warm and sunny day on the farm with cows, talking cows to be exact, roaming around a tree. The grass is a luscious green color with flowers growing and fluffy white clouds in the baby blue sky. This commercial depicts the perfect place for a cow to live, which is exactly what the producers want you to believe. They want you to think that all of their cows that they get milk from live on this massive farm, where is …show more content…

The new cow talks about how there is no snow in California and the rest of the cows think she is crazy. I believe the reason for them using cows in the commercial is that milk comes from cows, so it makes sense for that to be the animal they choose. Then you ask yourself why do the producers make the cows talk, I feel as if they make them talk to show you that they are happy cows. Just like they say in the commercial that happy cows come from California. Using animals in a commercial makes it more funny and eye catching than just having some random person in the commercial telling you to buy milk from this

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