Persuasive Essay On Gangs And Violence

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Gangs and violence are two things we don’t see often of around Virginia, Illinois, however, most of us will be moving on and going out into the real world after graduation. Even though we don’t see gangs or violence often around here, it does still exist and students need to be aware of this and able to control the situation. Even if there is a lot of pressure to go off, join a group that wants purposely hurt someone else, and anything that is hurting others, students should be aware. Instead of following them, tell the cops or even tell someone that is older that may know how to defuse the situation. Being responsible for your own actions can be hard and sometimes it’s a shock going from your parents responsibility to your own. It can seem like it was just easier for the parents to decide what to do, however now we're going on our own, and we have to make that decision. Even though you think you're a good kid and you're pretty innocent, it can happen to you. …show more content…

(2012) “when kids begin to branch out and go to colleges they begin to see a lot of negative things that they might not be used to.” Which according to Davies, J., & Evans, M. (2012), “ Nationwide, 17 percent of college students indicated they had experienced some form of violence or harassment in the previous years, these violent acts include harassment, stalking, vandalism, physical assault, sexual assault and other forms of interpersonal violence, and suicide.” According to Davies, J & Evans, M. (2012), the way to prevent being involved in violence is to be aware that it exist and not to be blind to your actions and what consequences there are. According to Davies, J & Evans, M. (2012) “However violence is not just a university problem, it is a problem in the culture at large. Preventing violence is a complex issue.” Basically, college students have it a little bit worse because of the huge diversity in the

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