Persuasive Essay On Chocolate Milk

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Chocolate milk has been served in school cafeterias for many years now, the added sugar inside of the carton has passed under the radar. Many nutritionists like Melissa Dobbins are blindsided by the vitamins, calcium, and protein claiming that this makes up for any added sugar. One carton of chocolate milk contains nearly 30 grams of sugar, more than a 7.5 fluid oz can of soda! This fact supports the claim that chocolate milk has way too much sugar. So now, because of all of that sugar, chocolate milk is detrimental to your health, causing health problems such as obesity. Parents and nutritionists may say that drinking flavored milk is better that drinking no milk at all, but this reasoning isn’t necessarily true. Drinking flavored milk means …show more content…

Because of the added sugar, we now have bigger problems to deal with such as childhood obesity. Obesity has been a growing problem in the United States for years now, and although chocolate milk isn’t the only factor in causing obesity, it could be a huge factor depending on how much you drink. Carlie Arnold, 6th grader and aspiring comedian states, “Chocolate milk isn’t the only thing that causes obesity! McDonald's and sitting on your butt in front of the T.V. helps!” She continued rambling on about obesity and chocolate milk, allowing the rest of our cafeteria to listen to her. According to a study done in 2012, the percentage of children aged 6-11 years old went from 7% in 1980, to a staggering 18% in 2012! Adolescents with the age range of 12-19 went from 5% in 1980 to 21% in 2012! In 2012, over one third of children and adolescents were either overweight or obese! Although chocolate milk is physically unhealthy, it can also be emotionally damaging, especially to adolescents. Being overweight damages the way children and teens feel about themselves. Teens especially will be bullied for the way they look, and they could get violent for that. They could cut themselves, or even attempt to kill themselves! All because they don’t feel pretty. So chocolate milk isn’t only unhealthy physically, but also

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