Persuasive Essay On Child Adoption

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During the first few years of life, parents start telling their children about their heritage, whether it is while giving them a bath, riding in a car, or introducing them to different members of the family. While adoption maybe mentioned, it occurs more during the preschool years that parents put a bigger emphasis on adoption (Brodzinsky & Pinderhughes, 2002). Parents begin to feel more comfortable sharing adoption information with their children from the age of 3-4. That is when the child can identify itself as being adopted.
The child can start understanding that their adoptive parents are just that and that they have biological parents as well. Some children may refer to the adoptive parents as the parents that are raising them. This is a great time in the life of the child by gaining this knowledge, but the child also tends to only receive bits and pieces of the story on how they came to be part of the family. Parents of preschool-aged children tend to over-estimate the capabilities of their sons and daughters to comprehend the meaning of being adopted (Brodzinsky, 1983). This over-estimation can cause some parents to delay discussions about adoption. Parents should be cautioned that their child has not yet gained …show more content…

This understanding sensitizes them to the reality of adoption-related loss, which is viewed by most adoption professionals a core issue in the emotional adjustment of adopted individuals (Brodzinsky, 1990; Brodzinsky & Pinderhughes, 2002). During middle childhood, children tend to comprehend other people’s perspectives and understand empathy for someone else. These social-reasoning skills help adopted children recognize the problem that their birthparents may have dealt with. Often school-aged children start to wonder if they are being thought about by their birthparents, and if the birthparents regret their

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