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Theories on impact of teen pregnancies
Introduction of teen age pregnancy research 1
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"It's the hardest choice you'll make, but I know I made the right one when I placed my child in adoptive care" (Orr). There are a few options for pregnant teenagers regarding parenting. These include adoption and abortion. The majority of teens have not attained basic knowledge of adoption and the benefits it encompasses for the child and the mother. There is an abundance of useful information teens should be aware of before deciding parenting, abortion, and adoption. More teenagers who are expecting a child should choose adoption because it provides a more suitable lifestyle for the child, it's a positive alternative for couples unable to give birth to their own child, and it's beneficial for the mother and her future.
Teens that select adoption for their child enable them to obtain a suitable, stable family lifestyle. Teenagers are not able to parcel out entire care for their child. They lack education required to come into possession of a job that can provide enough income to have all the necessities it takes to raise a child and support a family. Young adults also have an absence family stability and marriage. “Only 20 percent of fathers marry the teen mother of their child and 80 percent of these fathers pay less than 800 dollars per year for child support” (Abma). Children need a better foundation in their family. This instability tends to cause the child to perform poorly in school and may have to repeat a grade. However, children placed in adoptive care foresee a much brighter future. “Children who are adopted as infants often have higher levels of health, self-esteem, and family support” (National Campaign). Health, self-esteem, and education are all vital for a young child. Teen parenting deprives these kids of the abili...
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“Infertility Data for the U.S.” Centers for disease Control and Prevention. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/fertile.htm Lanning, Rebecca. “Adoption is an Option for Pregnant Teenagers. Teenage Pregnancy. EWd.
Auriana Ojeda, San Diego : Greenhouse Press, 2003. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing
Viewpoints in Context. Web. 5 Nov. 2013.
National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. (1997). What ever happened to Childhood? The
Problem of Teen Pregnancy in the United States. Washington D.C. : Author.
Willke, J.C. “Adoption. Ed. Mary Williams. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006. Opposing
Viewpoints. Rpt. From “Benefits of Adoption.” Life Issues Connector, 12 (Oct. 2013)
Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 7 Nov. 2013.
Orr, Becky. “Pregnant too Soon.” Wyoming Tribune- Eagle [Cheyenne, WY] 15 June 2008.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context Web. 5 Nov. 2013.
Adoption is a process where by a person assumes the parenting for another and, in so doing, permanently transfers all rights and responsibilities from the biological parent or parents. Unlike guardianship or other systems designed for the care of the young, adoption is intended to effect a permanent change in status and as such requires societal recognition, either through legal or religious sanction. Adoption has changed considerably over the centuries with its focus shifting from adult adoption and inheritance issues toward children and family creation; its structure moving from recognition of continuity between the adopted and kin toward allowing relationships of lessened intensity. In modern times, adoption is a primary vehicle serving the needs of homeless, neglected, abused and runaway children (Wikipedia, “Adoption”).
Adoption is in place to balance, to nurture and create a structural environment of safety in which the child can thrive and develop into a productive individual contributing to society. Also, it allows older children to abandon old maladaptive behaviors and make their first steps toward the construction of new behaviors influenced by their new environment. In years past, parents who adopted a child as an infant often debated whether to tell him or her about the adoption. Many children grew up not knowing they were adopted, and the birth mother’s identity was kept secret from those who did know (Ashford, LeCroy and Lortie 249). This paper provides facts on widely acceptance option of open adoption rather than the traditional practice of closed adoption. Adoption separates real biological family members, removing the adopter heritage whether the adoption is open or closed. Open adoption can lead to problems, but there are proven facts that open adoption is the best option for all parties working together in the best interest of the children.
The foster system intends to place children in homes where they will remain until they can find permanent residence with an adoptive family. Sadly, this is often not the case with children placed privatized homes and they end up bouncing from home to home until they eventually age out of the system forced to enter into adulthood with no permanent family ties. Over the past decade the number of teenagers aging out of the system without a permanent family has risen from 19,000 to 23,000 per year. These teenages enter into the world without emotional, relational, or financial support and therefore possess a greater risk of poverty as well as low academic achievement. This causes many of these teenagers to rely on government benefits during their adult lives which places a heavier burden on taxpayers. The National Council for Adoption reported that the 29,000 teenagers that aged out of the system in 2007 will cost over one billion dollars per year in public assistance and support. These teenagers who age out are also found to be at greater risk of concerning behaviors, such as: creating disciplinary problems in school, dropping out of school, becoming unemployed and homeless, becoming teenage parents, abusing alcohol and drugs, and committing crimes. The privatized system does not have the best interest of the children in mind and
As a teen you are never ready to see that plus sign. Each teen has to decide whether they're ready or not to deal with everything that comes with having a baby. For many teens adoption can be a good option. Teens choose adoption due to no family support, not financially stable and not being ready to care for a child because they're so young.
Foster Care and Adoption are the most multi-faceted areas of child welfare. Foster care consists of placing children outside of the custody of their parents or legal guardians. This out-of-home placement can be temporary or long-term. Adoption on the other hand, consists of the legal and permanent process that establishes a parent/child relationship between individuals not related biologically (Downs, Moore, & McFadden, 2009). These two areas of child welfare are constantly evolving and the decisions made on a child’s behalf can affect many areas of their biological, spiritual, social, and emotional wellbeing.
According to American academy and adolescent psychiatry, about 120,000 children are adopted in the United States alone. That is a lot of children that need to find a new home to stay in. Not only do adoptions affect the child after they are adopted, no matter the age; but adoption also affects the parents giving their child up for adoption. There are many types of adoptions. Along with that, there are many reasons for giving the child up for adoption. There are three main perspectives that I will be talking about. One function would be the structural functionalism. How society cooperates. The second would be the conflict perspective. The third would be symbolic interactionism approach. There are many different aspects of adoption, making it
Parents have the tendency to overlook how lucky they are to have had the ability to create their own children. Many do not recognize what a true blessing it is to have kids, and that others are not fortunate enough to experience that miracle. Ten percent of couples endure infertility (Advantages) so they must consider other options. A very popular choice is adoption. It is not only a good alternative for the couple, but also for the child who needs a loving home.
When the average American citizen today thinks about the concept of adoption, what images are typically the first that come to mind? Although different people are sure to have equally as different experiences in this field, one picture continues to remain the most commonly-accepted. This image consists of a man and a woman who cannot have children of their own, a newborn baby, and a single mother who will certainly be unable to provide for the infant due to her young age, lack of financial support, or another variety of unfortunate circumstances. Making the decision to adopt a child is without a doubt one of the best options available for couples who are unable to conceive, but by thinking of adoption as nothing more than the fallback option for childless couples, adopting a child doesn’t even come to mind for the majority of parents in the United States who already have biological children of their own. Although many people often consider adoption to be reserved only for couples who are unable to have children themselves, there are numerous reasons why the decision to adopt could be very beneficial for families with their own, biological children as well.
The parent(s), of adopted kids, feel generally more secured of their role when part of a closed adoption, because the kids have no contact with birth parents. Though that is an advantage for the parent(s), the child(ren), however, could feel rejected or unwanted by their birth parent. This shows that there are disadvantages that balance the advantages out. The feeling of being unwanted and rejected can cause a disadvantage between the child(ren) and the adoptive parent(s). It could put a strain between the two.
Adoption, many of us know the basics of it. It means to adopt another child that is not biologically yours into your family. But many don’t realize what it really means to adopt a child into their family, and how this will affect not only them but the child as well. No matter why families or single parents chose adoption does not matter.Typically when people chose to adopt they think about the babies. But the real matter here is what happens to older kids? Many older kids who are deemed not as desirable as say a newborn through toddlers are left behind waiting for years at a time for a permanent family home in foster care. Before adopting, parent(s) should give more consideration on adopting older kids from the ages about six through eighteen.
In America, one million teenagers get pregnant every year (National Abortion Federation, 2003). Of these pregnancies, 78% are unplanned because these teenagers start having sex at a very young age and are unaware of ways to prevent pregnancies. Thirty-five percent of the pregnant teenagers chose to abort, as they fear that the consequences of the pregnancy might have significant effects on their lives. The problems that come with teenage pregnancies include dropping out of school, receiving inadequate prenatal care, developing health problems, relying on public assistance to raise a child, and probably divorcing their partners. In most states, the law allows pregnant teenagers to take their babies for adoption without consulting their parents.
Pregnancy is a wonderful thing, the moment a woman finds out that she is pregnant, she is filled with many different emotions, ranging from happiness, to ecstatic to even a little nervous. However, when that woman happens to be a teenage girl, there is a completely different range of emotions. Such as fear, excitement, and filled with many questions. Their life changes before their eyes the moment they see a positive pregnancy test. Statistics show that thousands of teenage girls will get pregnant by the age of 20. The effects of being pregnant at a young age, not only affects the teen mother, the father, but the family as well. In those thousands of teenage girls that get pregnant. Many choose to keep the baby, while others choose either adoption or abortion. The amount of life changing ‘adult’ decisions a teenager has to make in such a short time has many grueling effects on the decisions you make while pregnant. Getting pregnant at a young age puts a lot of emotional and physical stress on not only the teenage girl, but her family as well. The effects that a teenage pregnancy is similar to a roller coaster, you think you have hit the top, but you just
Your boyfriend found out that you are pregnant and left you. You had plans to go to college. You had plans to live your life and be successful. A baby would change everything. Giving up your child is at first not even considered. How could you pass off your child to a stranger? As the pregnancy progresses, reality sinks in. It would be impossible for you to provide for this child and be a high school student, with a job. The child would have no future. Adoption gives the child a chance at life. It gives them a hope and a future. Not only will the child’s life be changed forever, but so will the lives of the parents. When we adopted Boston, we picked him up off the floor of a homeless shelter. He had not eaten in days and was suffering from malnutrition. When we adopted him, his world changed forever. Not only though did his life change, but so did ours. His birth mother loved and still loves him so much. She sought out the opportunity to give him a better life. Children raised in foster homes or other institutions score on average 20 points lower on an IQ test than most children their age (www.ccainstitute.org). It is obvious that children placed in a family thrive. Parents who adopt do not love their children any less than they would love their “own children.” Teen moms or other mothers looking to put their child up for adoption do not always look at it as getting rid of their baby. While this can sometimes be the case, most of the time they are seeking to
For adolescents, their development into early adulthood, gives them a better understanding of what it implies to refer to themselves as adoptees. They better understand the legalities that are associated with adoption (Brodzinsky, 2011). Their personal perspective on where they fit into society can have positive and negative consequences. Adolescents can learn to accept and appreciate adoption and the service provided; which intentionally is developed to better their lives and the lives of children in adoptive services. Negative consequences in adolescents and abandonment originate from the interaction and relationships with their peers as well as their care providers. Adoption can become a complicated endeavor for adolescents, especially since the feelings of separation and negative emotions surrounding an adoptee come from the connections of both their biological family and adoptive family. By showing an interest toward the adolescences confusion and emotion can aid in developing a healthy sense of self for both the adoptee and the care giver. Since adolescents can vary on how interested they are with their adoption; past or present. Some are willing to connect with their biological families while others do not. In order to achieve a
Many pregnant teens avoid having an abortion, but then turn to adoption. It is estimated that approximately 3% of pregnant adolescents will place their infant for adoption. Some authors say that increasing the difficulty of having an abortion will have an effect on adoptions. They argue that pregnant adolescents will turn to adoptions instead, but then again the reason that there is such a low adoption rate is because of the legalization of abortions in the United States.