Persuasive Essay On Birth Control

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My topic addresses contraceptives, specifically birth control. Birth control is ethically good to enlist into to not become pregnant. The controversial topic also plays a role in different cultures. Its prevalence to prevent pregnancy has caused millions of women to partake in it. There are different methods of such as, abstinence, birth control shot (Depo-provera), birth control sponge, etc. So if one of the forms of birth control doesn’t work out then there are many other forms that is more suitable. Also, young adolescents are engaging in sex and are too uneducated to understand the consequences of their actions. I’m for more sex education taught in schools because the amount of pregnancies occurring today. My issue on birth control is that …show more content…

Some people don’t take the time before or during sexual intercourse to make sure pregnancy doesn’t occur until the damage has been done. Although there are morning-after pills to take 72 hours after conception to prevent pregnancy. Another incident that may occur from unintended pregnancies is rape because a woman who hasn’t willingly consented to having sex were deprived of her human rights. Depending on the circumstances when the woman becomes pregnant, there are options to where she may want to keep the child, give the baby up for adoption, or even consider abortion. The worst decision in my case would be killing the fetus. Why not give the baby a loving home with a couple who are able to care for it? So many couples have trouble conceiving children and could be blessed from someone who intends to abort the child instead. A perfect example to emphasize the importance of birth control are the shows 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom, where it shows troublesome experiences between the girls and the people close to them all while being pregnant, plus the afterlife of raising the child. Hopefully from the shows, other girls would be empowered enough to not be like them and take the responsible route instead. I really want to focus on the popular couple of Teen mom, Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra, when Catelynn first found out she was pregnant and knew they wouldn 't be able to care for the child like they could and decided …show more content…

The estimated global population is 7 billion while it will steadily increase through evolution. The total population is expected to be 8.4 billion in the mid-2030s and 9.6 billion in the mid-2050s. Also, while families are producing more kids than usual causes an uprise in the population growth. When it comes to education, society makes it acceptable for premarital sex because the younger generation will follow after the previous generation and carry on the tradition instead of leading in what’s morally right. Sex education in schools needs to be strictly enforced. Some positive effects is that it can lower the amount of pregnancies and STIs. People need to know how to protect themselves. The availability of condoms is necessary. No one should have to feel embarrassed to The only downfall on teaching young adolescents at a young age about sex is it may influence them to engage in it if not already doing so. It should be taught in all schools for the parents who are afraid to have that talk with their child themselves. Parents may feel as if they bring it up to their children that they’ll go experience sex, while if they don’t they’ll still most likely experience it, but at least they’ll have the knowledge of using condoms. There seems to be a lack of sex education now with the increasing rate of births per year. Also, young adolescents aren’t

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