Persuasive Essay: How To Apply Mascar What Steps?

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Have you ever wondered how to apply mascara? Well now you will, with the following steps provided at the end you should know how to apply mascara, but first things first what materials will be needed? What steps will be needed to apply the mascara? Last, what things do you have to be cautious about when putting it on? These steps will help you apply the mascara on properly. Some of the materials you will need to perform the task is Mascara, it can be any mascara even your favorite! Next you will need an eyelash curler, this helps to make the eyelashes curve and makes beautiful long curled lashes to make your eyes pop! You will need some Q-tips and makeup remover so if you did make any mistakes while applying the product you can make them disappear! …show more content…

Well the first step is to get the mascara that is your favorite. Also make sure it’s not just a dollar store mascara because those products are not good for your skin. Next before putting on any mascara you need to curl your eyelashes. You should curl your eyelashes because if your putting on makeup to have your eyes pop then your eyelashes need to be long and curled for this look. Now you can start applying your Mascara! When you are applying your mascara you want to make sure you start at the very tip of the eyelash so you can put a coat of mascara to make your lashes …show more content…

Well there is quit a few actually. The first one is if you are allergic to mascara you should not be putting any on, not to mention it will make you look worse if you have a reaction to it when your on a date. Next, you need to be cautious while putting on mascara because you could hit your eye, if you have done this you should blink a few times, and if it’s still irritating you you can wash it with some hot water over it. Last but not least, you should be careful when you are curling your lashes you need need to curl your lashes before putting mascara on, because if you have put on mascara and then curled you lash, this can cause eyelashes to be pullen out. These are some of the things to be cautious

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