Benefits Of Microblading

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Microblading Can Give You Fuller Eyebrows That Last For Months Or Years

If your eyebrows are thinner than you like, you may spend a lot of time each morning filling them in with makeup so you feel more comfortable about your appearance. If you'd like thicker brows without having to do all that work, you should look into microblading. Microblading is a type of tattoo or semi-permanent makeup that can give you the appearance of full, lush brows. Here's how it works.

Microblading Is Done By A Makeup Artist

Your new brows are drawn on your face with a special tool, so it takes artistic skill. First, your eyebrows are filled in temporarily so you can see the expected results. The best shape is chosen for your face and the color is custom-made to complement your skin tone and hair. If you approve, new brows are then drawn on with semi-permanent ink. This can be a lengthy process because the work needs to be meticulous in order to get the best results.

Two Or More Sessions May Be Needed …show more content…

This is a pen-like device with small blades on it that scrape your skin. This allows the ink to be deposited under the skin, but it isn't as deep as a traditional tattoo. After the first session, you'll see immediate results. Your brows will be full and dark, but the color gradually fades over the next few weeks. A second session is usually needed to make the results long lasting. Depending on your skin type, you might even need a third session. Once the ink takes, it will last for several months. However, it is semi-permanent and eventually fades. Your skin type and your lifestyle play roles in how fast the ink fades. It could last several months to a few

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