Personal Statement For Women Wear You Soar

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The past two summers I have had the opportunity to participate in the Women Soar You Soar (WSYS) summer camp held on the grounds of AirVenture in Oshkosh, WI. The camp, sponsored by Women in Aviation and EAA, strives to educate young female high schoolers about aviation and aerospace. Through my experiences at this camp, I have met my heroes and mentors, and been inspired to further pursue my dreams. I believe my motivation and determination to succeed will have a positive impact on those around me.
During my first year at camp, the distinguished guest speakers were Apollo 13 Mission Commander Jim Lovell, Flight Director Gene Kranz, and other crew members of the historic mission. Not only did I have front row seats at their lecture, but I also had the opportunity to personally speak with these people I had admired since I was a child. When I met Gene Kranz, he told me he gave special preference to young women such as me because he understood the obstacles I would have to overcome, and how those challenges would prepare me to be a leader in the aerospace field. At the time, I was too excited to fully comprehend Mr. Kranz’ remarks, but now, as I prepare to graduate and contemplate my role in society, his words often occupy my mind. The exciting challenge Mr. Kranz spoke of lies before me; I find comfort in …show more content…

Prominent female figures in the field of aviation, including pilots, astronaut candidates, engineers, and aerial photographers served as our mentors; they were our role models, advisors and career counselors. Each shared her personal story, struggles, and successes about her path into aviation. These women were proof that my ambitions could one day become a reality. Each attendee had a mentor for the week, but I have remained in contact with my mentor. She believes I have the fortitude and determination to succeed, and thinks I can bring out the best in others. She knows me

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