Personal Narrative: The Game Of Life And Obstacles

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Life is a game of challenges and obstacles. The people who manage life with precise decisions and management are successful while others who do not manage life as effectively tend to fail. Life is all about encountering obstacles and how we confront and conquer these difficulties in order to progress and learn as individuals. Life without challenges would to be ideal and unrealistic. Challenges and obstacles is what strives and helps individuals mature and grow. One incident that really sparked me was this one occasion during a middle school basketball game where I broke my wrist. It was during a playoff game against our rival team, we were trailing by two points in the fourth quarter and I had to step up my game as an eighth grade mentor. …show more content…

This was a challenge and setback that prevented me from playing and excelling in my sports for the following year after the injury. However knowing that this injury could potentially dismantle my entire athletic career., I kept my head up and believed in myself. I worked hard in school and worked even harder to prepare myself for my season after my recovery. After this tragic experience, I learned to never give up,even when events turn out to be horrendous. Obstacles and challenges are good and beneficial to the human nature. Without obstacles, the game of life would be too ideal and unrealistic. This experience was the stepping stone to my personality as this shapes up who I am today as a three sport athlete. As an athlete, I’ve learned to never give up and keep my head up even when encountered and confronted by challenges. A quote that was once said by my basketball coach John Holmes, “The game isn't always played on the court, the game is also played in the head.” This quote really portrays who I am today, as a student athlete. I play hard on the court and even harder preparing and training myself in my mind to conquer any doubts and challenges. This quote is my motivation to the game of life as I still live by this

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