Personal Narrative: Obstacles In Life

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People are often faced with obstacles in life, and in this way I am no different. Although I have dealt with various issues throughout my life, I am fortunate enough to say that none have been as dire as suffering a serious illness or losing an immediate family member or friend. With that being said, it is difficult for me to pinpoint one noteworthy moment in life that has shaped me the most. I think it would have to be when I injured myself before both my sophomore and junior seasons of basketball, and I feared I would never get a chance to step on the court again. Through the recovery process from both my injuries, I surprisingly learned that these injuries would not define me or my basketball career. Just last month, I proved to myself how much I’ve grown since first injuring myself two years ago, when I finally marched on the court as a starter for my high school varsity basketball team. …show more content…

However, with the help of my supportive family, friends and teammates, I persevered. During the two seasons I was injured, I learned more about my life than I did the game. Initially, during the difficult and painful days of recovery, I found it hard to enjoy my life. I had some moments of self-pity thinking about what I was missing out on. However, it wasn't longer before I realized that these days would go by much easier if I maintained a positive attitude. I reasoned that this injury would allow me to focus on schoolwork. It also meant I could work out on my arm strength for the upcoming baseball season, my second favorite

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