Personal Narrative: The Day I Got My First Car

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As we progress forward in life, we notice that things change whether we want them to or not. Not all changes in life are good, but, not all changes in life are bad either. Over the span of the ten months I’ve owned my car, a lot has changed although a lot has stayed the exact same. From tiny scratches and dings on the bumper to ordering custom made parts from overseas, my car has changed a lot, yet is very far from its final form. Starting off, the day I got my first car is something that will stick with me for the rest of my life. Being a car enthusiast, getting my first car made a huge impact on me. It meant I was responsible for some more than “just a piece of metal”. I was responsible for what was to come out of the canvas that stood …show more content…

Over time the car has picked up more scratches and a few minimal dents due to careless driving, (other drivers hitting me), swirls in the paint, rock chips, and of of course more miles. With those miles have come a whole lot of memories. One of my favorite memories in my car would be the road trip I took to Michigan the day after graduating high school. As a car enthusiast, driving for longer periods of time is something I enjoy more than the average joe. It allows for me to clear my mind and just think. The car has gone through regular maintenance including oil changes, tires, and brake replacement. Also, being a car enthusiast means I follow the following saying, “Life’s too short to stay stock”. This translates that life is too short to not do what we want with our cars. This can be applied to almost anything in life though not only cars. With that being said, I’ve been pouring my hard earned money into my car. From aftermarket suspension to upgrading every single light bulb in the car I find it all worth it. The car currently has upgraded lighting for better vision at night and tinted windows for privacy. Some custom body parts from overseas, a cold air intake to add horsepower, and aftermarket suspension that allows me to lower or raise the overall height of the vehicle whenever I wish. It may sound like a lot but I am far from nearing

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