Personal Narrative: My Trip To South Padre Island

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I had my eyes glued on the clock all day, I was so excited for it to turn 4:30. You see I was going on vacation with my family to South Padre Island, it was a five-day weekend and we were going to be spending it there. By we I mean, my Husband, son, Mom, Brothers Roman, Raymond, Joseph, sister Rogue, Aunt and Uncle, and my cousins Mariah, Liz, Kim, and Edward. We were going to be staying in a three bedroom condo at a resort. After checking in we went to our room. Everyone was talking about how nice it was and how we all wanted to live there forever, it was the size of a house. The beds had sea turtles made out of towels, and chocolates just like in the movies. From the balcony you could see the lights from Mexico, smell the crisp ocean air, and feel the cool breeze. It was the kind of relaxation we all needed. …show more content…

He was three and he loved the beach. We jumped into the water, not long after getting in a school of fish swam by and scared him. My uncle pitched a tent out there so we would have some shade. He also put a volley ball net up, we all played for about an hour then went back in the water. We stayed at the beach till lunch till the late afternoon, went up to eat some lunch, and then go back down. We stayed at the beach until it got dark, then we transitioned to the swimming pool area. The pools heated up, they were awesome! There was also a Jacuzzi, it was so relaxing, I was able to enjoy it for a while. My son actually learned how to swim by the end of the fourth night that was amazing. The next couple of days went by and the routine was pretty much the same. It was a great experience with the people I loved the most. We stopped at the local gift shops to get souvenirs before we hit the road. The drive home was much quieter than the driver over there. Everyone was exhausted, had a tan, and was at peace. Back over the big bridge, on the road to San Antonio. it was definitely a vacation I will not

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