My Family Vacation

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Trying to get out of the winter slump. I decided we would take a vacation in December. The thought of getting away from old man winter had my curiosity going. The mere thought of Florida is sure inviting when the weather here is in the teens and seventy there. Beaches. Amusement parks wow what a great idea. even if it is a twelve-hour drive.

As my eye was slowly pulled apart, I came to the conclusion my children were no longer asleep. The sound of are we, are we, are we really in florida, as my youngest daughter is jumping on the bed to help me awake. The sun was barely beginning to creep into the room. It reminded me of sand in an hourglass just gently moving along. I rolled over to look at my beautiful wife, but wait, where is she? The covers were piled three feet high with an array of pillows on top of everything else, then it moved and spoke. “Be quite” the pile said. Oh no it’s eating my wife, I thought. Then the girls were begging to go to the hot tub,” lease, please, please,” stammered Cassidy. I agreed and we got ready to go for a swim. Here we are in sunny florida getting up at 6:00 a.m. to go swimming after driving fourteen hours in mayhem traffic. We’re as cute as a 1937 chevy roadsters painted plaid with poka-dots. My snow-white legs sticking out of a pair of board shorts with knee-high tube socks, I just was hoping nobody would see us on our way down to the hot tub. When we got to the front door, I had a dreadful thought. Why was no one else in the hot tub when we looked out our window? I just dismissed it as it must just be too early for Floridians.

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