Personal Narrative: My First Horse

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You amaze me every day, with all the new things you learn and everything you show me. I enjoy watching you turn into the little person that you are. I think the same when if come to your unborn brother or sister. I wonder what kind of person they will be just like I thought about you. Then I think to myself, how could anyone want to leave this and not be a part of this every day? That is what happened to me. My mother left my brothers and me when we were very young. I was four years old, my younger brother was one and my older brother was eleven. My father raised us, with help from my grandparents, for the next four years. Those four years are kind of a blur to me. I vaguely remember being shipped back and forth every Wednesday and every …show more content…

His name was Prince. He was palomino pony with blonde mane and tail. I loved him so much. On New Years Eve, my dad and Laura was going to take the tractor out and I wanted to go with them, on Prince. It was so cold, I had snow pants, winter coat, boots, hat and gloves to stay warm. Laura said it would be ok to ride him without a saddle. It would be a quick trip. My dad warned me to get away far away from the tractor so it would not spook Prince. I thought I got far enough away, but I did not. When he turned on the tractor it scared Prince. He reared up and a slide of him. He circled around quick and as I was sitting up her ran right over me, catching my forehead with one of his hind feet, knocked me back down. My dad carried me up to the house. I had a bloody nose and huge bruise on my forehead. Laura caught up with Prince and put him away safe in his stall. I rested for the rest of the evening. My dad and Laura were going to a New Years Eve party that night, before they left they sat down with my brothers and I. We all thought they were going to tell us to listen to my older brother, bed time, the regular things they told us when they left for the evening. But this night was different. My dad asked us how we would feel if Laura never left. We all looked at him confused. Then he asked what we thought about them getting married. We were ecstatic! A pretty horrible day turned out to be a pretty amazing …show more content…

Without her, who knows where we would be today. She taught all of us so much. Even though she did not give birth to us she is still our mom. She was there for every basketball, football, and volleyball game my brothers and I played. She took me to horse shows just about every weekend in the summer. Helped my younger brother when he showed his hogs in 4-H. I hope that I am half the mother she is to my children. I speak to my real mom about once every two weeks and that’s if I call her. I talk to Laura everyday even if it is for just a few minutes. I have not seen my real mom in about two years and as sad as it sounds okay with that. Laura makes trips to see me and I go home as often as possible. I have a great relationship with person who raised me and shaped me into the person I am today. I could never leave my children and not be a part of their

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