Personal Narrative: My First Dog

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Many people go through experiences every day. Whether it’s first day of school, or visiting a new state or even meeting your new family member. My experiences that I went through was getting my first dog, getting hired for my first job and also obtaining my driver’s licenses. I remember like it was yesterday getting my first puppy. I begged my mom since I was three for one, but she always said no until one day, I was home from school it was my fifth teen birthday an I didn’t want anything more than a dog. I had showed her which bread I wanted and everything. So, when it was my birthday morning I woke up to some gifts and a cake, but I didn’t see my dog. I was so sad about it. After, my mom and I went to the store and next to it there and puppy for adoption. We went to check them out and that’s when I meet my amazing dog Roscoe. I help him and I looked at my mom and just begged her so adopted him. …show more content…

The first time I drove was when I had to take my driving test. I was so nervous my hands were sweating and shaking. I’ve heard any of stories from my friends saying that it was scary, and hard to accomplish. Which made me more and more nervous. We had arrived at the DMV and they gave me my number to be called. Once I heard my number I just felt my heart dropped. Lucky my driver instructor was a nice lady. We hoped in the car, a soon and we merged on the road I began to calm down. It felt soothing to drive. I remember hearing the instructor give me directions where to turn and stop to. After, the test was done we both walked back inside. She told me to take my picture because, I had passed the test. I was so excited on my first try I passed and just felt so free to know I could drive by myself. Getting my licenses was a learning experience. Know when people ask me how was my test I would tell them it’s not as bad as people make it

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