Personal Narrative: My Thanksgiving My Family

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Around two years ago on a warm summer afternoon I came home to find out my parents had rescued two beautiful cats that were left alone in a box on the highway. When my mom had started to tell me how the cats are brother and sister and how they were left in a box I could not begin to understand who would leave these innocent cats alone to fend for themselves. At first we were not going to keep them but once we really thought about it we knew we had to keep them. I was overcome with love and joy when I first lied my eyes on my cats they have been a great addition to the family and I would not change anything.

2. Every thanksgiving my family has a big dinner like most families with everyone in the family but last year was different from the other dinners. This was the first year without my grandma who moved to Ohio and was not able to make it out but she is the only family member who can cook leaving my family to learn to cook their own dinner. This turned out to be a catastrophe since the turkey was over cooked then many other foods were destroyed leaving only mashed potatoes and yams. Without my grandma it did not feel the same I was …show more content…

My family and I adopted Georgia after my parents discovered she had been through a troubled past with terrible owners she was with us for ten years before she tragically passed. It was a warm summer night my parents knew she would not live much longer so we took her to the beach before the vet where she was relieved from her pain. I was overcome with despair when Georgia passed I could not imagine a life without her she would always comfort me and put a smile on everyone's face. My parents helped to move past her death by adopting another dog even though the new dog would never replace her it still helped to relieve the pain. I will always remember Georgia she was my first best friend I still celebrate her birthday but I realized I can not bring her back so the best thing to do is keep her alive through my

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