Personal Narrative: My Failure

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My failure started in elementary when I was diagnosed with symptoms of ADHD/ADD. In first grade I had problems reading; I could never stay focus, I had trouble following directions, and listening to my teacher during lessons and not to mention having behavioral problems. I felt as if what I read made no sense and bored me at times. I knew how to pronounce words and I also knew my sight words but I battled with comprehending what the sentences were saying. My short attention span always caused me to get distracted and do something different other than read a book or follow classroom rules. My teacher separated me from the rest of the classroom students. That did not stop me from not paying attention and getting in trouble. I was below basic …show more content…

I also focused on the small details, like making sure my letters were perfect in every word, which, took me a long time to write or read my story. This learning pattern followed me until 5th grade. In 5th grade I was still getting distracted from the surroundings within my classroom and outside the classroom window. I was afraid to read aloud, because I thought my classmate would make fun of me. I did not like to be call on to answer any questions. I started hang out with the bad kids. During reading time I got easy books to read silent and some books had more pictures than words. My mom worried about my reading comprehension. She tried to help me but my mind did not want to learn how to read. I was good at other subjects. My grades were outstanding but my test scores were basic. By this time, I learned the 5 parts in a story, how to look up difficult words and define the meaning, and how to write an essay or research paper. With this being said, I still was not the good reader I wanted to be. I did not read books everyday, I did not like to read my homework handout sheets, and I still did not know how to put my words into

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