Personal Narrative: Mac And Cheese

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I am from Friday nights, spent in a large backyard chasing lightening bugs only to be depressed on Saturday mornings to find they had escaped from the Mason jar I had trapped them in. I am from Mac and Cheese with cut up hotdogs, and realizing that it is the most disgusting thing in the world as I got older. I am from running down the basement steps after my shower to watch episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S, and Will and Grace on Thursdays nights with my mom, even though I was far too young to understand any of the jokes. I am from a dog named Max, who set unrealistic standards for what every first pet should be. I am from a spoiled cat named Bing Clawsby. I am from a father who taught me 90’s rap and a mother who doesn’t know how to cook. I am from

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