Personal Narrative

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School (ugh) I have been through a lot of it and I still have more to go (ugh). I started school when I turned 2 almost 3 years old. My first year at school was at my church, the program was called “moms and tots” the year after we tried to do “moms and tots” and a preschool called “teddy bears” at the Central High school but doing both did not really work so we just stuck with “teddy bears” for a school year. Like a regular school year, starts in the fall ends in the spring. The year after I attended VPK for another school year at my elementary school called Chocachatti. I continued through Chocachatti till the very end.
Kindergarten the rude awakening of no more naps during class. I went to kindergarten at Chocachatti with and amazing teacher …show more content…

I remember hanging out with rebelish kid named Leif, he was so cool and I remember sitting on the slope of the big kid playground talking about life or what we knew of it. My teacher Mrs. Rance was the coolest, she gave out Pokémon cards every week if we were good the whole week which was hard because she did not mess around about Pokémon cards. Me and my friends used to run around and do the most ultimate game ever. Tether ball. It was crazy we had around 8 tether ball courts. Tether ball was a ball tied to a pole, if you could get the ball all the way past your opponent by hitting it past them and tying the ball up you win. If you win you stay in if you lose you get back in line and try again. I was not the best but I was up there. I started cub scouts in first grade, meetings were on Friday and those were my …show more content…

Ah 4th grade what a fun year. My teacher was Mr. Tyree and he was the coolest. When we read a book we could take a test on it and earn A.R. points, if you got the required amount, Mr. Tyree would let you do a special reward, you pretty much get to do terrible things to him. One time we got to pore a green sludge on him and it ended up dying his skin for a day. One time we got to tape him to one of the huge poles outside of his class, or got to throw eggs at him. In Fourth grade I was not a big reader and one of my friends dared me to read this massive book and I did faster than the big reader in the class.
5th grade I had two teachers, Mrs. Youngblood and Mrs. Makain, they were trying to keep this giant class in the smallest room which if it doesn’t sound hard, than you are wrong. For the Halloween dance one of my friends decided it would be a great idea to request a song with curse words, you can imagine how that went down. The 5th graders were separated before school, so we all had to be a close group, which led to every one either being really nice or kids hating each other really quickly. Dang I miss elementary school, I wish I could go back. The summer in-between 5th and 6th was fun, my sisters decided I was going to be peppy and they bought me a whole lot of pink and bright colored cloths thinking it would look good on my, wow were they

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