Personal Narrative

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Typically, the drive home would have taken two hours. We were seven hours in. The snow was blowing sideways– I was practically blind. I was fifteen years old, with just a learner’s permit, driving my mother home from yet another doctor’s appointment in Denver. We were stuck in sluggish traffic because a car had slipped on the icy pavement into a barrier on the mountain pass. We were grinding at a painstaking five miles per hour and had over thirty miles to go. Still, I drove on at a crawling pace. Remarkably, we were cheerful– laughing, telling jokes, going on rants, and listening to lively Spanish music (as we both are native Spanish speakers). What mattered most was the here and now– our happiness and good spirits. We were trying to disregard …show more content…

It was a full-time job, smack-dab in the middle of my sophomore year. Then, in November of my Junior year, just as my mother began her rehabilitation, misfortune struck our family again. I was in a major car crash caused by a collision with a deer on the highway. This resulted in a serious concussion, missing several weeks of school, and having to quit playing hockey. In the midst of 11th grade I found myself recuperating from a head injury and compensating for the weeks of missed school, while striving to perform well in demanding classes. In overcoming these hardships, I learned several important lessons. I found that no matter what, I need to confidently push myself to do my best and persevere. I learned that I can’t let life get in the way of my own ambitions. Life will always throw us “curve-balls” and, recognizing the importance of finding tenacity, even when feeling uncertain and feeble, is pivotal to …show more content…

Nevertheless, I gained more self-awareness than any other time in my life. I was dealing with tremendous burdens for a 15/16-year-old and needed to make time for myself and look to others for support. I didn’t fully appreciate how much this could ease facing challenges and help me remain social and hopeful. Advocating for myself, trusting others, and maintaining a positive outlook, whilst having so much going on, truly helped me from becoming completely overwhelmed. I carry this with me every day. Still, it wouldn't have been possible without my finding, from deep within, the self-confidence and drive to continue. I also learned that I can handle more than I ever thought possible. I learned that my intellectual side shined, even in the darkest of times. During my mother’s recovery, my curiosity was one of my strongest allies. I did my research and went to her doctor’s appointments. I educated myself about her skeletal structures, prosthetics, medical terminology, and the “super-bacteria” that threatened her life. This understanding allowed me to process at a deeper level what was happening to my mother and it gave me a further appreciation for the work the doctors were doing to save her

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