My Family Moving Research Paper

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I was born to my amazing parents on September 20,2001 at 10:38pm. I was 7lbs 2oz and 19 ½ inches long. My parents didn’t know I would be walking at 8 months old and be climbing everything. I was super tiny and climbed everything. My parents and aunt started calling me “Houdini” because I could get out of any car seat, I would figure out how to get out of my car seat without unbuckling it then sometimes I would climb to the front seat and sometimes I would open the door and my parents would pull over, give me a spanking, buckle me back up, and shut the door and keep driving. That’s just one of the many things that makes me, me. Based on my deep map I’m going to share about the family I have, the transitions of moving, the sports I play, the

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