Personal Narrative Essay: My Life At Backyard Burgers

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At the age sixteen, I started my first job. My sister got me a job working with her at a Backyard Burgers. When you get your first job, a lot of things change. For instance, I started getting a paycheck, so I was able to go shopping more. I was able to buy my own car, which gave me more independence. I was seen by the public more, so I lost some weight and started dressing nicer. I also, became obsessed with working, I worked forty hours a week, while still in my junior year of high school. All of these aspects changed the way I think and caused me to go down a terrible path. However, the most prominent factor that came along with the job was the boys. When I started working at Backyard Burgers, I already had a boyfriend. He was a high school boyfriend though, so when I saw all of the other options available, I figured they were better. Within a couple of months I broke up with the high school boy. By that time, I had my …show more content…

It took a while, but I finally decided that the best thing to do is focus on myself. The best thing a girl can do for herself is get an education. With an education, she can get a job and take care of herself. Relying on a man is possibly the most dangerous thing to do. If I would have stayed with my boyfriend, I would have married him, when would have had kids, he would have got drunk, and it would eventually end in a divorce, leaving me in poverty. So, now, while I have a great mindset, that is focused on my future, I have decided to pursue my education. I have to figure my life out on my own, without a boy, before I will ever consider being with one again. Otherwise, I will go in a downwards spiral of prioritizing them over myself, leaving myself defenseless without and education to hold myself up when they leave. If I don’t take this opportunity to get an education, I will need someone else to support me throughout life. That could end

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