Personal Narrative Essay: Bombing In Vietnam

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At first I thought we were right, our nation fought to stop the spread of communism but in reality, it wasn’t. Day by day we send more and more soldiers and spend more money to keep the war going on, but did it really accomplish anything? No, just pointless deaths of our soldiers and the civilians in Vietnam. Our young boys could’ve become another lost generation like Germany had during World War 1 if the war kept going on. The bombings in Vietnam accomplished nothing as times where more civilians have died than the Viet Kong. My struck my heart even worst was the My Lai Massacre and may have scarred me and my family forever. We fought to “stop the spread of communism”, but were nothing more than savages. Our soldiers killed nearly 500 innocent civilians; men, women, children, and infants all brutally mutilated. …show more content…

How could we do such a horrendous thing like this, it was wrong, so wrong, what went through the mind of these soldiers? God knows what. The devil may have taken them over at that moment. We could not continue this any longer, we rioted at the Lincoln Memorial, we wanted this war to stop, it wasn’t right, we marched all the way to the pentagon. Even though we were stopped and many people were arrested that didn’t stop us. We kept on repeating until the people of America rose together with us and with that we were able to pull out of the war. Vietnam may have became a communist country but it was a pointless war to begin with, we were able to prevent us from losing a

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