My Life In The Trenches Ww1 Diary Essay

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Dear Diary I have been in the trenches all day, I watched a lot of companions die from being sniped or up close in battle. We fought nearly the whole day and I can still hear gunfire and bombs. I tried to stay back as much as I could but I also had to fight. I don’t exactly know how many people I killed or wounded today but I know it was a numerous amount! The enemies were coming from all directions. We pushed until there wasn't any more enemies. I don’t have any grenades left I used them all in about the first 10 minutes of battle. Today was probably the scariest time of my life. The first time I have seen battle, the first time I was in battle. I am tired and hungry. I feel as if I could sleep for days, years, but I am too shook up to even

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