Personal Narrative: Adaptation To The American Culture

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I come from a different culture, so I have had lots of experience with diversity. Coming from a different culture has made me more aware of different cultures, ethnicities, socio-economic status, disabilities, and sexual orientation. I have realized that depending on what culture one is from can determine what path they will take when seeking medical treatment due to their values and beliefs. An example would be a Jehovah’s witness declining a blood transfusion because they do not believe in blood transfusions. The Muslim culture does not eat pork because it is against their religion. Depending on what culture someone is from can very, so we all need to become culturally aware and understand why someone in our eyes is not doing the right thing.

Volunteering at the Olivet Neighborhood Mission has made me realize that not everyone can afford the same things. In healthcare when patients are sick some tend to refuse treatment because they do not have the funds to pay for it. Educating our patients and the risks that they can take if they …show more content…

When I first came to the United States I had to adapt to the American culture because it was so different than what I was used to. Growing up I always had two different opinions on certain things because I knew what I was taught and then what the American culture taught me differently. I often found myself in between trying to understand what way is better. After growing up in the American culture I have practically adjusted to it because I am constantly around people of the American culture. I am very happy that I grew up in the United States because now I catch myself wondering why my cousins in Europe do certain things since I have adapted to the American culture. I still to this day take some of my cultural beliefs and values and incorporate them into my daily living because that is how I was raised and it is hard to adjust to something

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