Personal Narrative: A Personal Experience With Diverse People

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In my line of work, I get to interact with a diverse people every day. One thing I have noticed, specifically over the past few days, is how these people interact with me and other females I work with. The main thing I have noticed is females at my work are not treated professionally by guest, as the males are in the building. One example that happened was when a guest was asking for a refund. My crew member, a male, was originally helping the guest, but he was having some difficulties. The guest was visibly getting upset at how long it was taking. My crew lead, a female and higher position, went over to assist him with the refund. When she went over to help, the guest started screaming at her. He was going off about how dumb she was that …show more content…

I decided to test it out. When a guest wanted to speak to a manager, I decided to go out and talk to them. The male supervisor went out with me to hear what I was saying to the guest. The guest got upset with the solution that I provided and asked to speak to someone higher than me. I explained that I was the highest position in the building, but they were more than welcome to talk to the supervisor. The guest agreed and the supervisor came out. The supervisor said basically the same exact thing as I said to the guest. This time the guest was completely happy with the resolution that my supervisor provided, even though it was the same one. The guest thanked the supervisor so being so helpful. Again, this is not the only time I have had this happen to me, but on previous times I was the supervisor and a manager was the final say, so I never knew if I was getting treated differently because I was female or because I was the lower …show more content…

Linde and Edson explained in The Process of Gender, that white women in high positions, like politics, are viewed as submissive and unfit because of their sex (Linde & Edson, 2014, p. 12). This possibly effects how males interact with me if they believe this to be true. Also, if a kid learns from their parents or other kids to respect adult males more than females that could play in effect. While this may not be intentional, most kids listen to their fathers over their mother. Also, for a good period of time, most authoritative positions, like police officers and politics, were males. With social learning theory, most people see that and correlate it to males more fit for higher positions

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