Personal Mission Statement Analysis

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Mission statements can be very important. They allow a person to keep direction and focus in your life by helping you concentrate on the things that are important to them. In order to come up with a mission statement that suited me personally, I had to look at my values, characteristics, and skills. Using these I condensed them into a singular goal for my future: I aspire to dedicate myself to utilizing problem solving and rationality to discover new truths to benefit myself and others. This mission statement reflects my characteristics of rationality and dedication, my ability at analyzing problems, and my values of intelligence, self-actualization, and the pursuit of the truth. I chose rationality as one of my attributes as I process everything …show more content…

This is often shown in group projects, where I am willing to put in long hours outside of school in order to complete it and improve it to the best of my ability. This is shown in my mission statement through my unwillingness to compromise or retreat on my set values, even if that offers an easier alternative. I chose analyzing problems as my skill as it is on of the main things that I enjoy doing. This is especially evident in debates and discussion of issues, as I enjoy challenging myself in this way to practice this skill and to better understand points of an issue. This shows in my mission statement in my method of trying to improve lives around me through problem solving and critical thinking to find new solutions. One of my major values is intelligence, as I see it as one of Humanities greatest attributes, as well as our greatest strength. I hope that eventually we can apply our intelligence to solve almost every aspect of human suffering. This is shown in my mission statement through my desire to come up with intelligent designs and new insight to problems in the world and pursue

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