Aristotle's Superiority Of Women

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The superiority of men was not just physical or political. Aristotle described superiority as “KREITTON”, meaning stronger in the sense of rational reasoning. Diminishing women not only socially and physically, but rationally as well ensured that they would stay in their place for their ideas could not be rational due to their very nature. This exemplifies the “REWRITE ease with which ignorance can pose as knowledge and how prejudices of those with intellectual and social power pass as rational judgment” leaving women in a state of perpetual oppression. A woman always required the guidance of a man because the thinkers of ___ believed that nature made her deficient in physicality, intellect and moralityAristotle had a clear view on women based on his understanding of their fundamental nature. Within every human there are two faculties, a rational …show more content…

We are a society with growing advancements for women and a collective abandonment of stereotypical roles that women are forced into. There are still remnants of this old society that permeate our every day life. We allow women to run for political office but make it harder for them to get elected. We allow women to compete in sports and join the military but women’s sports are often seen as inferior the men’s. Women do not technically have to stay at home and raise children, but they are still expected to choose children over a career. Despite___ years that have passed by, women still have gender roles, albeit not as strictly enforced as Aristotle’s time. Aristotle would see our society as one of “corrupted natures” or a people in “unnatural condition”. (POLITICS?). As a society we generally do not agree with Aristotle’s views on women. If we have accepted that people are not innately slaves, the same can be said about women. Aristotle’s logic is motivated by the unequal relations of power at the time and not by scientific facts of

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