Personal Ethical Analysis

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INTRODUCTION Society plays a huge role in the development of the personality of each individual because people are living among a society, people have also become individuals who accept or reject the rules, regulations, agree with someone's opinion or impose his own. This society is building a human personality, capable of living with other individuals like they are and get along in this world among others. People require acceptance, approval from the humans around them, whether there are parents or friends. It is crucial to be praised by friends and relatives, when a baby just begins to get acquainted with the world; he needs an assessment of his merits. As the child matures, these estimates give him confidence and believe in his uniqueness. …show more content…

People are involved in all aspects of organizational behavior, developing like individuals, professionals, forming their values, proficiency and ethical standards. The highest goals of each company are creating an environment that enables all employees to achieve better performance. The main steps for achieving these goals are building strong personal and professional ethical standards, corporate codex, corporate culture, strong management system and leadership. Every organization strives to keep employees who work in a manner compatible with its own corporate culture and to create an emotional sense of belonging to the company. In the next section, this paper will contain an analysis of these concepts. Generally, the most important aspects of organizational commitment are participation in work, ethical decision-making, and values. Individuals that adopt strong organizational values are willing to live as part of the organization, creating ideal conditions for the individual prospect and development. Ethics as an element of the company …show more content…

Stanwick (2014, p.214) identifies two groups of values: the first group - a set of ethical concepts, standards, assessments, which a person has from the birth; it is a code of ethics with which the person lives and works. The second group - those norms and standards introduced from the outside: internal rules of the organization, the ethical code of the firm, professional code of ethics. Building strong ethical standards are related to company profitability. Corporate ethics are important because it helps to develop customer and employee loyalty, employees make better decisions with business ethics as a guiding principle; this increases productivity and

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