Personal Essay: Three Strengths Of A Personal Responsibility

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Personal responsibility is the idea that people have full control over their actions. Things like basic health and hygiene can be seen as personal responsibility because they are actions that are carried out independently. In my life, I don’t have to shoulder responsibilities all by myself because my sister helps me balance things out. Although I am still solely responsible for the outcome of my decisions, it is easier for me to act reasonable with help by my side. Personal responsibility to me is the act of taking care of yourself while owning up to any mistakes you made. When it comes to being personally responsible about your your education, it important to remember that all decisions made now will affect you in the future. As a shy student …show more content…

The strengths I am most thankful for are my natural excellence in English, my supportive family, and my morals. The most rewarding of these three stregths is having a supportive family to encourage me to keep striving for my goals and encouraging me to always be positive. Some of my weaknesses include, but are not limited to, my failure at retaining any information in history, my unorganized work ethics, and my procrastination. Procrastination brings a lot of unneeded stress to my life that could easily be avoided if I worked hard enough. I have always been a straight A student, so my number one academic goal is to maintain that streak all though college. Another goal of mine is to finish my core classes early so I can have a bump free senior year. By taking Dual credit and classes throughout the summer I can reduce my workload later on in the future. A third major goal of mine is to be accepted into the Andy Dekaney National Honors Society. As an active member of the NHS I can become more outgoing and have a chance to give back to the …show more content…

In order to keep a straigh A streak, I will have to start writing things down in a planner and keep things a little neater than normal. Also, I will need to speak to my counselor about fixing my report card as soon as possible. To limit my workload senior year, I should research about what summer school classes are offered at both Dekaney and Lonestar’s minimester. For my last goal, I need to see if my application for the Dekaney NHS was accepted and figure out the first meeting date. My academic goals are mostly my responibility to achieve, but a couenseolor to plan out my classes would be really helpful. I also need to invest in an interactive planner that can enourage me to be more organized and tidy. Additionally, my sisters constant help and influence is needed to ensure my success. My sister helps me with all of my subjects and is like my own private tutor. She motivates me and keeps me on track for my future

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